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I AM John Germain Leto

I’ve decided to change my name. Please let me explain why.

May you step into the fullness of Who You Are.

I AM John Germain Leto

As I evolve to my highest consciousness and hold the highest vision for myself, I’ve seen some things that I need to let go of. One of those is to completely release any battle or struggle that I have within myself, about anything. There are so many questions that I can often ask myself: Am I on the right path? Am I doing it the right way? Am I living up to my self-created expectations? Am I doing enough? These questions can seem like a war raging within me at times. As I move forward on my path, one of my key lessons has been to release this conflict, to let go of the battle within myself. My highest destiny has no room for the battle to be right in any way, with myself or others. There’s also giving up the battle of giving up the battle. Before I chase my tail too much here, the new path that I’m stepping on is simply about opening up to Joy instead. It’s allowing the inherent Joy in me to come out with every step I take.

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Aligning Your Inner and Outer World

What energy are you wearing?

Last week I received a call from the President of an independent record label in Boston. He has a great band with strong songs that’s getting massive radioplay and accolades from MTV and other media outlets. However, he was really concerned, the energy of the band just isn’t living up to the music.

Think about this: What do we mean when we say the word “energy”? Read the rest of this entry »

Be More Lucky!

“I’m a lucky man, with fire in my hands”

- The Verve

I’ve always been a lucky guy. My mom says I have a horseshoe stuck squarely up my @*$$. We’ve all heard clichés regarding luck like it’s “when preparation meets opportunity”. I guess that’s one way of putting it. I tend to think it’s about being in right relationship with yourself, ridding yourself of any energy that’s holding you back, and then being open (and then accepting) to what the universe presents to you.

But what is “right relationship” with yourself?
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The Lesson from the Rattlesnake

How are you doing in releasing the struggle to be in an easy flow of actions that will have you manifest your heart’s desires?

Here’s a recent lesson from a rattlesnake I encountered about releasing conflict and struggle to be on our highest path.

The Rattlesnake

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Transitioning from the Mind to the Heart

I had a client tell me yesterday, “I know what I need to do. It’s just so hard getting there.”

For me, “getting there” indicates trying. Trying to do something is really hard.

We’re all familiar with Yoda’s famous words from Star Wars, “Do or do not. There is no try.”

Star Wars came out in 1977. This is not a new concept. It’s something that you would think we would have gotten the hang of by now. So why are we still trying to do things? Read the rest of this entry »

Are you breaking any class rules?

Last week, I met a friend at her sister’s daycare center in the East Village.

When I walked in, I couldn’t help but notice the class rules posted for the children to follow.

Of course, these are simple enough. However for me, they were breathtakingly profound. Here are my Majestic Path ruminations on the children’s class rules.

1)      We listen, the first time

The ability to listen is totally underrated. Especially, being able to hear the voice that resides within ourselves. How often do we not here what our intuition is trying to telling us? We’ve all heard to trust our intuition, but are we doing it? How can you honor that which you feel?
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Coming Out: I’m a Shaman


I’m a life coach, image consultant, and Shaman. 

As a Shamanic energy medicine practitioner, I help clear the energy of the past so that people are able to step fully and freely onto their highest path.  This is something that I’ve been studying and exploring on a daily basis for the last two years.  I’ve trained directly with Dr. Alberto Villoldo, author of 14 books and one of the foremost Shaman in the country, spending time with him personally in 2009 in the sacred valley of Peru and also this past year in the Amazon jungle.  I’ve also recently completed a year-long extensive Medicine Wheel training at The Four Winds Society.  It is an assimilation of knowledge from the indigenous medicine men and women from the high Andes of Peru, a lineage untouched by Western civilization.  I’ve been shifting from the level of the mind to the level of the heart by exploring these ways of the sacred and incorporating them into the work I’ve been doing with my clients.    Read the rest of this entry »

Own your mythic story. Practice your art. Don’t define yourself.

For me, 2011 holds three new resolutions. They are:

Own your mythic story

Practice your art

Don’t define yourself

These three charges came from part of a sentence from The Four Insights by one of my guides and mentors, Alberto Villoldo. (Thank you, Alberto.)

Let me explain what each means to me.
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