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Create a Thriving Practice

“Are you ready to be fully visible and get paid in abundance for the difference you can make?”


4-Day Workshop Intensive

Create a Thriving Practice:

Build Your Spiritual Business

A Soulful approach to building a full client practice and conscious business

May 18th – 21st
Bonsall, CA (North San Diego County)


Are you a talented practitioner who makes a tremendous difference with others, yet you struggle to find new clients?

Do you find yourself worrying about money because you haven’t yet sorted out how to manifest a full client practice or conscious business?

Would you like to create a spiritual business that supports the awakening of humanity?


It is possible to make money and live your Soul’s path.

The Create a Thriving Practice course is a heart-centered business-building workshop for healers, holistic practitioners and conscious business.  It combines a soulful approach with proven marketing and branding strategies to help you manifest a full client practice and successful business.  It provides all of the necessary tools to go out into the world and make the difference you are meant to make.

In this intensive 4-day course, you will:

• Discover your own unique strategy to attract your ideal clients

• Break through any energetic barriers you may have to being fully visible

• Learn how to speak powerfully about what you do

• Create a personal brand that’s rooted in your truth

• Be in “Right Relationship” with the consciousness of Money

• Learn how to write your most effective bio

• Create a compelling online presence and website that works for you

• Learn to have an effective initial phone conversation with a potential client

• Understand all of the practical elements to building your practice

Overcome procrastination and develop a measurable gameplan

• Understand how to build complete certainty

• Activate the highest destiny of your business

• …and much more!


“Since I got back from the “Create a Thriving Practice” course my practice has really taken off! I immediately had 9 new clients, and have since added 4 more. I have had requests for 2 training sessions and the Noetic Science group in my area has asked me to come speak to them. I am excited about all of this, and sooo grateful!”
- Patricia Cockrell, Santa Fe, NM


“John was compassionate, thoughtful, encouraging and insightful. He packed a huge amount of meaningful, helpful material and tools into the workshop and wove all the concepts together into a strategic package for us to move forward in our work. I found it personally energizing, stimulating and empowering, keeping us grounded yet inspiring us to dream big. Thank you, thank you, thank you!  I’ve accepted invitation to be on a TV show just today because now I feel more certainty about what I offer and embody. I’ve also cemented an alliance with new marketing banner for an upcoming event – it just got delivered yesterday and I love it!”  - Patricia Shannon, Atlanta, GA

“Our work is not always easily explained or promoted. John’s workshop helped me to return to my practice renewed and inspired. The solid tools they provided, as well as their ongoing support and feedback, have been instrumental in re-visioning, re-grounding, and reaffirming my client work and how I present it. The week after I returned from their class, my appointment schedule filled up two weeks out and has stayed that way. I just have to remember to keep saying ‘yes!’”
Jeff Farwell, Salt Lake City, Utah

See what these recent participants have to say:

Here’s a sampling of some of the course content:


The Course Syllabus for the 4-Day Workshop:

Four Days of Energy Clearing and Activation, Practical Business-Building Information, and Ways to Follow Through.


• Clear your energetic barriers to being known and visible

• Determine the focus of your business to continually attract your ideal clients

• Expand your reach by standing in your own truth

• Speak powerfully about what you do – craft the ultimate “elevator” speech

• Explain the method for what you do in a clear, concise way



• Create a personal brand that’s rooted in your truth

• Make your strongest impression in all of the ways that you come across (photos, website, online presence, bio, and business card)

• Create a compelling online presence

• The essentials that need to be on your website

• Write your most effective bio

• Make the most of social media in a way that works for you



• How to handle the first phone conversation with a prospective client – The natural process to setting up the first initial client session

• How to transition pro-bono clients to paying ones

• Set an appropriate fee structure

• Launch your new brand and practice with a powerful letter



• Build certainty so that people are naturally drawn to you

• Overcome your daily resistance to be in the flow of your highest actions

• Develop a measurable gameplan to easily and gracefully move forward

• Activate the highest destiny of your practice

John initially created and taught this course for The Four Winds Society which was offered for $950.
Wanting to make this accessible to more practitioners, he’s reduced the cost of this 4-day workshop to ONLY $695*!

Schedule of the workshop:

Thursday, May 18th:  3pm to 6pm

Friday, May 19th:  9am to 6pm

Saturday, May 20th: 9am to 6pm

Sunday, May 21st:  9am to 12pm

EARLY BIRD SPECIAL: Register by May 3rd and pay only $595*!

*Hotel and food costs not included.


“If I had paid $2000 for this class, I’d be just as happy. The value is incredible!”  - Benjamin Theisen, Los Angeles, CA


Register Now!

Only $695 for the 4-Day Workshop
(Save $100! Pay only $595 if registered by May 3rd)

To experience one of the in depth exercises included in the workshop, below is the recording of a teleclass John led entitled, How to Attract Your Ideal Clients with Grace & EaseIt is designed to show you how to attract the clients where you’ll not only do your best work, but in such a way where they come to you with ease and grace.  In the class, John shares how to stand in your own truth so that people are just naturally drawn to what you have to offer.

To hear the teleclass, please check out the following video:



“John showed that he walked the walk and talked the talk throughout the workshop.  He was professional, concise, honest and gave the appropriate amount of challenge to participants when talking one-on-one.  I respected his background qualifications and applaud the fact that he’s offering this coaching/branding to the unique/introverted types that tend to be healers.  His comfort in his role as a teacher/guide and with his materials was obvious, but he also radiated a love for the whole process and a sincere desire to help us.  I felt safely held during the entire class–so I could do some heavy lifting on the inside, and get the most out of it.  I feel in my bones that the clearest vision will come true.”  - Allegra Gulino, Chapel Hill, NC


Register Now!

Only $695 for the 4-Day Workshop
(Save $100! Pay only $595 if registered by May 3rd)

John Germain Leto, Life and Soul Coach

About John Germain Leto

John Germain Leto is a shamanic energy medicine practitioner and business coach who helps people step onto their highest path.  For the last 11 years, John has coached hundreds of people to greater success and spoken to thousands through his seminars across the country.

After a successful career in New York as an agent for such artists as Beyonce and Usher, John ached to make a bigger difference with his life.  Not being satisfied with just “making money for famous people”, and wanting to be of a greater service to others, he left that career behind to embark on his own highest soul path. This led him to the heights of the Andes mountains and the depths of the jungle, receiving direct initiations with indigenous shaman in the Amazon and with master shamans of the Q’ero in the sacred mountains of Peru. He also completed an intense two-year study with Dr. Alberto Villoldo’s Four Winds Light Body school and now incorporates deep, soul-healing work into his coaching practice.  After initially struggling, he soon learned what it takes to build a six-figure practice of his own.  John was gifted the Quechan name “Otocramachi” by a respected indigenous medicine man, which means “he who can speak with all things”.  Using a blend of shamanic energy medicine, life & business coaching, and brand consulting, John helps people fulfill their soul’s journey through their life’s work.  He is the author of the book, The Rock Star in You and has been featured in USA Today and the New York Daily News as well as on ABC News, MTV, and Entertainment Tonight.

If you’d like to hear a little more about John Germain Leto’s personal story, then here’s a short video:


 A Final Message From John:

There are too many gifted healers who struggle in life because they simply don’t have enough clients.  This workshop has helped many to overcome their barriers so that they attract their ideal clients and manifest themselves broadly in the world.  Step fully onto your highest path by realizing the practical steps to fulfilling your own soul’s journey through your life’s work, being of service to the world.

If you’re tired of struggling as a practitioner, or if you’re sick of spending most of your time in another meaningless profession instead of doing the work you were born to do, then take this class.  It’s produced amazing results for others.  Now, it’s your time.

I feel so strongly about it that if you’re not totally satisfied after the first day, I’ll refund your money.  No questions asked.  You have nothing to lose and a world of freedom and abundance to gain!

I look forward to being of service to you.

John Germain Leto

The Majestic Path


Register Now!

Only $695 for the 4-Day Workshop
(Save $100! Pay only $595 if registered by May 3rd)


You have a light inside you.
Your mission is important in this lifetime.
It is vital that you fulfill your mission.
You have a gift and it is crucial that you honor your gift.
Serve yourself by manifesting yourself in the broadest way possible.
You are meant to touch others, so you must touch them.
It means honoring your path.
See the majesty in you.
Work with others so that their majesty comes out.