“I was blown away by the response from my outreach letters. I sent 20 emails and got 13 new client sessions!”
- Suzannah Tebbe Davis, Ashville, NC
- Suzannah Tebbe Davis, Ashville, NC
Using the principles of the Create a Thriving Practice course, this practitioner was able to set up 13 new individual client sessions in less than a week!
How would you like similar results?
I’m often amazed by the results that are produced when people take to heart the principles of my Thriving Practice course. As a shaman or healer, you’re already aligned with Spirit. That means that the totality of the Universe is on your side. So to me, awesome results should follow.
Yet, for many practitioners who want to be of greatest service, they are stuck and blocked. There are many healers who know that they make a tremendous difference with someone once they’re in a session with them. The question simply becomes, “How do you set up more client sessions?” and “How can you present yourself in a way that’s not pushy or trying to force an outcome, but rather in a graceful way that simply attracts those that you’re meant to be of service to?”
That’s what the Create a Thriving Practice course provides.
Join us Thurs, Sept 18th to Sunday, Sept 21st in Laguna Beach, CA! The course is a combination of mythical elements, conscious marketing, branding, and practical business-building information.
Since you have an integrity to “do the work”, come explore what it takes to do more of it!
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